Thursday, April 7, 2016

What Are You Currently Working On?

Hey Everyone, 

    This is a good question, then again... you guys/gals as a lot of good questions. What am I working on, currently? Well, I am working on a few short stories for you guys. You know, I used to think everyone wanted longer stuff from me but somehow my short stories seem to be doing the best. So, I have decided to do a few more short stories for you guys. 

I would give you hints about my work but I haven't even given these stories titles yet. I'm hoping to knock out a few short stories a day until the weekend. Maybe more, maybe less. Who knows. :) 

What are you currently working on in your life? Yes you, the reader. I am also interested in who my readers are and what you guys are doing in your life. I also accept suggestions toward new books. Is there something you like about my work or look for in my work? What draws you in and holds your attention? What makes you My fan? I'd like a chance at being Your fan, too. :) 


K. R. Steam