Friday, March 23, 2018


Hey Steamers,

    So, last month a great thing happened. A door opened up that I didn't plan on opening ever again. I signed with a new publisher. I have a lot of great ideas and a lot of plans all outlined for my career right now. The fun part is my books are going to be transitioning. I will have my previous works, of course, but they'll be cleaned up and some will be turned into novels while others will be throw into a collection. Some books will make it into the collection but also have a novel.

A big thing happening is On My Radar, my vision is going to be put into place. It will be turning into a reading series but it will be outlined like a tv show. There will be a total of ten stories (episodes) per book (season).

Also, I am hoping to start collaborating with other authors. So, hopefully that will happen soon enough, when the time is right. If you like my work and think you have what it takes, send me an email: Let's talk.

Other things. I will be trying to dive into the movie industry. I have plenty of ideas wrote out. Now, the publisher and I will be moving forward and trying to get the ball rolling in that direction as well.

There are a lot of things going on right now but big things will be coming soon. All of my books (minus some audibles, until I can get them removed) are currently unpublished. Please, bare with me as I go through this transitioning process and get everything figured out. 14 books are in the transitoning process and I'm writing a lot of new stuff right now. Please, be patient. I can't wait to share this chapter of my life with you guys. I hope you like everything I'm doing and will do!



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